Old World Order
How geopolitics fuels
endless chaos and old-school conflicts in the 21st century
By Robert D. Kaplan, March 21, 2014
isn’t what the 21st century was supposed to look like. The visceral
reaction of many pundits, academics and Obama Administration officials to
Russian President Vlandimir Putin’s virtual annexation of Crimea has been
disbelief bordering on disorientation. As Secretary of State John Kerry said, “It’s
really 19th century behavior in the 21st century.” Well,
the “19th century”, as Kerry calls it, lives on and always will.
Forget about the world being flat. Forget technology as the great democratizer.
Forget the niceties of international law. Territory and the bonds of blood that
go with it are central to what makes us human.
isn’t what the 21st century was supposed to look like. The visceral
reaction of many pundits, academics, and Obama Administratives to Russian
President V. Putin’s visual annexation of C is disbelief bordering of
disorientation. The Secretary of the State John Kerry said, “This is really the
19th century behavior in 21st century.” As what he
mentioned the “19th century behavior” will always be there. Forget
about the world is flat. Forget about technology as the greatest democratizer.
Forget about the nicety of international law. The geography and the bond of
blood that come with is was what make us human.
isn’t what the 21st century was supposed to look like. The visceral
reaction of many pundits, academics, and Obama Administration officers to
Russian President Vlandimir Putin’s visual annexation of
Crimea has been disbelief bordering to disorientation. As secretary of the
state John Kerry said, “ItThis is really the
19th century behavior in 21st century.” Well, what Kerry
callsthe “19th
as Kerry calls it, lives onhas been and always
will. Forget about the world been flat. Forget technology as the greatest
democratizer. Forget the niceties of international law. TThe territory
and the bonds of blood that go comes with
it are, is
central to what makes us human.
Man, those writers for Times are really... embracing different writing style from us academia. concise, different pool of words, vivid. Love it!