Sunday, May 18, 2014

[Have some fun:P]Urban Dic_Chelsea

"Huh? Ugh... "

When trying to get contact with friends, sometimes, for us New comers... It's da*n difficult to catch the slangs... Yeah, I am talking about slangs... It's usually not formal, not required THAT much in writing,,, but def. needed for daily life!... Email, texting, chit chat... I mean, gals, get a life! (instead of sticking to the computer all days... Lol)

So that's why I decided to open a new post for... urban words! Let's have some fun here~ I will keep updating words I came cross either in texting, books, conversations, emails, or any sources:P

*The format would be: 
Sexy, Cool, Swave and Sophisticated
"Your Such A Steven!"

  • tit for that

Short for this for that
How about I give you a discount if you help me move out of my house? Tit for tat?

1 comment:

  1. Ha! I have a friend name Steven, who doesn't quite fit the profile~
