Sunday, May 4, 2014

[006 Cousera assignment] I am a writer_ Hailey

I am a writer

-Assignment from Cousera “English Composition” class

Writing to me has always been a fun and adventurous self-discovery journey. It is a way to communicate with my subconscious, and bring out more of what’s unknown about my inner feelings.

Like most of the people, I started writing during my elementary school, as an important part of the homework. During Chinese language class, we first learn “pinyin”, next characters, then words and short phrases. I remember as homework, we were always asked to make sentences using the words we’ve learned in class. Later on as I went through middle and high schools, I started to learn issues, arguments, book reports, and many different types of writing. I was more used to write what I think and feel rather than making up fictions and novels.

I was quite into writing blogs while in college. During that time, I seemed to have overflowing amount of ideas and emotions that filled with hopes and dreams towards future. Sadly now, being as a “Ph.D. to be” in biomedical science field, writing becomes a burden to me. During work, I was no longer allowed to write what I feel, instead, each sentence we write has to be based on facts from the literature or experiment results we generated. Scientific writing is such a sophisticated and logic driven style of writing, which require specific formats and steps to follow. You need to be very clear and reasonable, yet still passionate enough to be persuasive. I am still trying to learn, and hope someday, it will become less painful and more enjoyable.

The transition from Chinese to English, and casual blogging just for releasing emotions to professional scientific writing for publishing peer review articles is quite challenging. It requires constant learning and persistent practice.

Wish us good luck!


  1. Lol... It seems that I still have the "overflowing amount of ideas and emotions that filled with hopes and dreams towards future", though I am almost 30some... Lollll

